
International Forum on Urbanism

The International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) is a network of universities, research institutes and knowledge centers with the task to strengthen the international collaboration in the field of Urbanism. Governmental and professional institutions that are related to the planning and design of the built environment, can be associated members.

For more details about IFoU, please click here to open the ‘about IFoU’ page.

IFoU Central Office

Faculty of Architecture
TU Delft, Julianalaan 134
2628 BL Delft
The Netherlands
Tel: +31(0)152784254
Fax: +31(0)152784162
E-mail: Info@Ifou.org

What's New

16th International Conference "Urbanism of Hope: Reframing the Local -Global Relationships"

"CALL FOR ABSTRACTS" "Urbanism of Hope: Reframing the Local-Global Relationships" is the title of… Read More

Deadline Postponed: 15th International Conference of IFoU, Bordeaux 2022

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Deadline Postponed to 20th February , 2022 The 15th Conference of Internation… Read More

Call for papers: Deadline postponed to 31st May 2021!

Abstract submission: Deadline postpone to 31st May 2021 From Dichotomies to Dialogues Join t… Read More

Urbanism in the Mobile Internet Era

Proceeding of the 13th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) Proceeding can be… Read More

Beyond Resilience: Towards a more Integrated and Inclusive Urban Design

Proceeding of the 12th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) Proceeding can be… Read More

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"CALL FOR ABSTRACTS" "Urbanism of Hope: Reframing the Local-Global Relationships" is the title of the 16th IFoU conference. In th...
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Deadline Postponed to 20th February , 2022 The 15th Conference of International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), “ I...
Abstract submission: Deadline postpone to 31st May 2021 From Dichotomies to Dialogues Join this year's conference of the Intern...
"CALL FOR PAPERS" New Deadline: 9th March, 2020 The 13th Conference of International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), “ Urbanism in the ...


In recent years Hong Kong has struggled to generate consensus around a vision how to overcome the constricted supply of developable lan...
The 2019 IFOU Spring School will be hosted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  School of Design, focusing on the theme of the Grea...
2017 Summer School Making the Metropolis Exploring Interdisciplinary Approaches in Design Engineering The Amsterdam Institute ...


Proceeding of the 13th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) Proceeding can be downloaded directly from: https://...
Proceeding of the 12th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) Proceeding can be downloaded directly from: https://...
Published by the M.Sc. Urban Design program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, REFLECTIONS Vol 2 / Issue 1 / March is titleditled ...