Training Course


The general objective of the capacity building course on urban planning and urban based strategies is to enhance the capacity of different stakeholders involved in the urban/ regional development,
manifesting the clear connection with the latest innovations on the planning science and its applied performance.
This can be reached through recognition of the main developing strategies and the great diversity of players and resources within local conditions.

The course aims to enhance the effectiveness of urban design in relation to the new challenges brought by the actual complexity of the Urban dynamic worldwide, coping with the Conditions of Globalization.


The course has a program called Delta Urbanism with an emphasis on the Dutch tradition of planning and its new innovative process, the new conditions in Europe and the comparison within a broader international context.
The main scientific themes are sustainable mobility, urban landscapes, transformation and regeneration of the global metropolis.
Each of them constitutes a whole operational unit where the different Taylor-made programs can be developed as well as on demand courses.

This program is strongly supported by several European Institutions, and hosted by the U-Lab in DUT,
which is opening a new space for knowledge transfer in collaboration with target institutions, such as universities, municipal governments and NGOs around the Globe.

Pilot Course

Vision, Strategies and planning instruments for urban development: three cities in Europe as case study

  • Duration: 2-3 Weeks
  • Education Bases: Delft, Vienna, Barcelona
  • Cost: (In progress)
  • Proposed Study-Case areas:
    • Randstad area, Netherlands: regional process as a development strategy.
    • Vienna, Austria: Sustainable housing development as urban development strategies
    • Barcelona, Spain: public space as the means of urban cohesion
  • Capacity: 15-20 participants per group
  • Project activities and results:
    • The project activities are defined as an introduction on Vision and strategies at the urban and regional level on three European case studies.
    • The result will be the participants analysis of the transferability and territoriality of the new instruments at the different cities where each member of the course came from.



    • U-Lab, Delft University of Technology
    • Provincie Zuid Holland
    • Den Haag Municipality
    • Rotterdam Municipality
    • Amsterdam Municipality and Amsterdam Development Corporation


    • Department of Urban geography, University of Vienna
    • Planning Department of Vienna


    • UOC Open University Barcelona
    • Barcelona Municipal Office