IFoU Summer School with title “Urban reDevelopment & Public Transport” has been held from June 29 – July 13, 2012 in Beijing and hosted by the College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology.
IFoU Summer School with title “Urban reDevelopment & Public Transport” has been held from June 29 – July 13, 2012 in Beijing and hosted by the College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology.
The 6th conference of the International Forum on Urbanism has been held from January 25th to 27th, 2012 at the Catalonian Politecnic University (UPC) in Barcelona. With the title ‘TOURBANISM’ the conference addressed an even old as new issue: The development of tourism and its impact on the urban – the built – environment. The issue is old, because tourism is influencing already for centuries the development of cities and regions. At the same time it is new, because with the increasing participation of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America tourism got a new scale. In potential tourists no longer are counted in millions, but in billions.
The Best Papers of the 6th IFoU conference in Barcelona have been published in a special edition of ARA – Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 3 – No. 2, 2011 (ISSN 1997-2520).
For full program and other information please see tourbanism.ifou.org
The 2013 Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism will be organized by the Cheng Kung University. More detailed information will be published soon on this website
Under the title ‘Global Visions – Risks and Opportunities for the Urban Planet’ the Best Papers of the 5th IFoU conference in Singapore have been published by CASA (Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture), National University of Singapore (ISBN 978-981-08-8159-7)
Atlas of Spatial Mechanisms and the Contemporary Urban Landscape. A reading of movement as an interpretive device for urban form.
Author: Gerhardes Johannes Beukes Bruyns
Product Details: Rotterdam 2011 (978-90-78658-16-0), 570p
From 7th to 21st July 2011, ETSAB Barcelona School of Architecture holds its annual International Summer Workshop. This year’s subject is related to the next IFoU conference TOURBANISM, which will take place in Barcelona in January 2012.
The 2011 Summer Workshop will explore the character of Barcelona’s emblematic touristic spaces through an analytic approach that will set the bases for the participant’s tentative proposals.
For more information, please see “summer school”.
The 6th conference of the International Forum on Urbanism, entitled TOURbanISM-toURBANISM, will take place from January 25th to 27th, 2012, at the Catalonian Politechnic University (UPC) in Barcelona.
The conference aims to generate an exchange between the academic and the professional debate, to investigate opportunities and risks for the sustainable touristical development and to discuss visions, concepts and best practices. In this framework causes, reasons and dependencies of worldwide transformation processes will be analyzed and planning strategies and design concepts for a more sustainable development of tourism will be explored.
For full program and other information, please see tourbanism.ifou.org
The College of Planning and Design at Cheng Kung University is proud to host the 6th International Conference on Planning and Design on 22-27 May 2011 (ICPD 2011). The conference is aimed at presenting current and future researches that address specific design, architecture, and urban planning issues. The main theme is “New Perspectives in Planning and Design.” Researchers are encouraged to look at products, interaction, buildings, construction, cities and spatial areas as cases of innovation that explores our perspectives. Papers focusing on the conference theme or relating to any typical design, architecture, or urban planning issues are welcomed.
For information, please visit here.
5th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism takes place 2426 February 2011 at the National University of Singapore. The conference aims to generate an exchange between the academic and the professional debate, to investigate opportunities and risks for the sustainable urban development and to discuss visions, concepts and best practices.
The conference will be organized within the framework of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) by the Department of Architecture and the Centre for Sustainable Asian Cities (CSAC) at the School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore (NUS) in collaboration with the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) Singapore as well as the participating universities of the IFoU network.
Keynote speakers are: Cheong Koon Hean, Kees Christiaanse, Sanjay Prakash, Liu Thai-Ker, Meng Yan, and Edward Soja.
For full program and other information, please see globalvisions2011.ifou.org