16th International Conference “Urbanism of Hope: Reframing the Local -Global Relationships”

Poster IFOU 2024


“Urbanism of Hope: Reframing the Local-Global Relationships” is the title of the 16th IFoU conference.

In the midst of a structural crisis worldwide that is characterized by natural disasters, growing social and economic tensions as well as increasing political, even military conflicts the 16th conference of IFoU will focus on attempts, approaches and solutions on local level: To what extent initiatives on local level are able to combat or to reduce the impact of environmental disasters, to improve local resiliency, to stimulate the local economy and social integration, to bridge political contradictions and to overcome fragmentation, segregation and separation. In this framework planning approaches and design concepts will be discussed under the following 5 themes and related experiences from local governments, NGO’s, local resident movements, and initiatives for the local economy.

In contrary to former IFoU conferences, the 2024 conference will not be hosted by one university but will be organized as collective event by six member institutions of IFoU:  Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Auckland, National Taiwan University, EPFL Lausanne, Delft University of Technology and University of Buenos Aires. Under the general themeeach participating institution becomes the host for one sub-theme that will be presented online for 4 hours during the conference. In this way, following the presentations of the different sub-themes from host to host becomes a virtual tour around the world.

The deadline for abstract submission will be 15 July 2024. Please join us to connect with colleagues and friends across the world and discuss and explore the urbanism of hope in post-pandemic cities . More details about the conference can be found in the conference website: https://ifou2024.global/


Deadline Postponed: 15th International Conference of IFoU, Bordeaux 2022

abstract english 1

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Deadline Postponed to 20th February , 2022

The 15th Conference of International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU),

“ Internationalizing Education for the Ecological Transition Challenges: New Stakes for Sharing Knowledge and Acting in a Changing World”,

will be held from June 29th – July 1st, 2022

at the Bordeaux National School of Architecture and Landscape

For full program and other information, please see



Call for papers: Deadline postponed to 31st May 2021!

IFoU2021new dealine

Abstract submission: Deadline postpone to 31st May 2021

From Dichotomies to Dialogues

Join this year’s conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU):

25 – 27 November, Delft, The Netherlands (online or hybrid)

The 14th edition of the IFoU conference with the title ” From Dichotomies to Dialogues–connecting discourses for a sustainable urbanism“ is a stepping stone towards resilient urbanism. The existing dichotomies of discourses need to be bridged. We need to take the opportunity to transcend and connect different discourses in urbanism, so as to invent better ways of achieving resilience and sustainability.

As many perspectives exist in the field of urbanism, reflected in studies and practices by scholars, practitioners, policy makers, as well as the daily experiences of people, conflicts in interests and value systems also persist, which call for dialogues between dichotomies of discourses. Nowadays it might not be difficult to have a common definition of urbanism, which is concerned with understanding the spatial organization and dynamics of the built environment and with inventing new ways to maintain spatial quality and equality. However, the world is not yet on the same page about the meaning of resilient and sustainable urbanism, and the ways to approach it. The existing dichotomies of discourses need to be bridged as the challenges cities and regions face now and in the future are enormous, which are affected and determined by unexpected extreme events like the pandemic, economic crisis and climate change.

The 14th IFoU conference would like to invite you to contribute to the following tracks of dialogues via our call for papers.

For full program and other information, please see https://www.ifou2021.nl



Urbanism in the Mobile Internet Era

13 ifou

Proceeding of the 13th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)

Proceeding can be downloaded directly from: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uw_fnlKusBe2lQGVa3MH09yvqnw-TjTs?usp=sharing


Beyond Resilience: Towards a more Integrated and Inclusive Urban Design

12 IFoU E-Book

Proceeding of the 12th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)

Proceeding can be downloaded directly from: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cw3wwNMigYMKic2Se_IPgqnSWtYJnFbM/view?usp=sharing


Call for papers: Urbanism in the Mobile Internet Era, 2020 in Nanjing University

IFoU 2020 poster


New Deadline: 9th March, 2020

The 13th Conference of International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), “ Urbanism in the Mobile Internet Era”, will be held from 9th – 12th October, 2020 in Nanjing University.

IFoU 2020: Urbanism in the Mobile Internet Era


The second serial of IFoU Young Ambassador Webinar 2022

IFoU YA Webinars 22 Poster - Overview

The second serial of IFoU Young Ambassador Webinar 2022

“Diving into Uncharted Urbanism” is the main title of the second iteration of the IFoU Young Ambassador initiative. Three serial of various dialogues among cross-generation scholars will shed their insights and debates on the up-to-date urban uncharted confrontation.

You are welcome to join with free entrance: 

Thu 19.05. 16:00 – 18:00 GMT+8
Stakeholder Interactions for Better Regional Development
Link: nus-sg.zoom.us/j/83719339368?pwd=d0htSjg2RHo2V0JTK1FkTFNPZUs1UT09
Meeting ID: 837 1933 9368 Passcode: 060504

Thu 02.06. 15:00 – 17:00 GMT+8
Pro-Environmental Behavior Moving Toward Water Sensitive Cities
Link: nus-sg.zoom.us/j/87221055950?pwd=YkIyZllOaHVkSkhSeS9ub0VEajFFdz09
Meeting ID: 872 2105 5950 Passcode: 104865

Fri 17.06. 11:00 – 13:00 GMT+8
Community as One of Development Agencies
Link: nus-sg.zoom.us/j/89568483580?pwd=NWUwWHhTRmxnK01WWUNXWHN5OFcrQT09
Meeting ID: 895 6848 3580 Passcode: 352085


2020 Winter School : Hong Kong’s New Territories Tomorrow


In recent years Hong Kong has struggled to generate consensus around a vision how to overcome the constricted supply of developable land usable for housing. These challenges facing the region are mostly framed around the development potential of land in the New Territories.


This has prompted several ambitious responses, including a proposal to construct a new Business District on artificial islands in the eastern waters of Lantau Island. Yet there has been little meaningful progress, in the absence of a vision that would be shared with urban stakeholders.

Simultaneously in the New Territories huge areas of agricultural lands lie vacant or are not used in way that would help to solve the supply crisis. It is increasingly apparent that settlements from indigenous villages to new towns have failed to adapt and expand for a new generation.


In June 2019, as part of the World Urban Campaign by UN Habitat, CUHK hosted an Urban Thinkers Campus, bringing together a diverse group of local stakeholders to discuss the future of the New Territories. There was consensus across the community that the ambitious proposal of building new islands near Lantau would not sufficiently address Hong Kong’s spatial needs. The forum identified opportunities to unlock complex planning and ownership arrangements that prevail in the New Territories, enabling a variety of strategically located sites at scales suited to the production of inclusive and participatory urban space in line with the UN Habitat urban agenda.


This year’s IFoU Winter school at CUHK will bring together students and researchers to engage further with the community and develop a series of visionary scenarios and pilot schemes to reframe the development potential of the New Territories. Reflecting on the new town model, students will be challenged to envision a more human centric approach based on a wider understanding of infrastructure, enabling a more equitable city that promotes social mobility. Proposals will implicitly address related issues ranging from blue and green infrastructure, inclusive public space and liveability, to participatory infrastructure design and urban regeneration. These framework proposals will also kickstart the CUHK Urban design studio for 2020.


All interested IFoU partner schools and students interested in joining should contact us via hktieben@cuhk.edu.hk.




International Forum on Urbanism
School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong


2019 IFoU Spring School: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and TU Delft


The 2019 IFOU Spring School will be hosted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  School of Design, focusing on the theme of the Greater Bay Area (GBA).

The Greater Bay Areaex Spring School formulates strategies and critical interventions for the GBA. The methodological approach employed aims to maximise strategic potentials and urban differentiation within this very large urban-agglomeration field. This builds on work by the MDes UED in the Systems and Strategies Studio, which emphasises strategic planning principles through specific planning models. Each model explores speculative frameworks that challenge conventional planning practices, raising critical debates in terms of scales of development, settlement morphologies and economic characteristics within the region.

Colloquia, lectures and round table discussions provide inputs and feedback to the development of critical frameworks that are tested in public presentations. This will contribute to a body of work on the GBA, and will be published and exhibited locally and internationally.

For full program and other information, please see



11th International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) 2018: “Rethinking urban Resilience Implementation: Aligning sustainability and resilience”

11TH International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)
The 11th International Forum of Urbanism ‘Reframing Urban Resilience Implementation: Aligning sustainability and resilience’organised by the Urban Resilience Research Network, the School of Architecture of UIC Barcelona and UNHabitat, to be held ​on the 10,11 and 12 of December 2018 in Barcelona​.